Ooh....need I say more. It is Bond, James Bond! With his Bond girl of course, presented at the James Bond 007 themed grand opening of the Fairfield Inn & Suites BWI. This brand new hotel is located in Linthicum, MD in the heart of the BWI Business District, just 2 miles from the airport. Guests were invited to be a Suite Spy Secret Agent..Suite Spy, you get it?
The ribbon cutting ceremony was done by Fran Schmidt, CEO of Northern Anne Arundel County Chamber of Commerce, Shruti Buckley, VP & Global Brand Manager for Marriott, Ebony Harvin, General Manager for Fairfield Inn & Suites BWI, Al Patel, President, Baywood Hotels and my friend Roxann Gardner, Director of Sales for Fairfield Inn & Suites BWI.
Richard Petras was the General Manager (GM) of the hotel and he passed away a few months before the grand opening. A plaque was created on his behalf to honor him. His family was present that night and they are photographed above with the new GM Ebony Harvin and Director of Sales, Roxann Gardner.
I love themed events. It allows you as an event designer to let your creative juices flow and to go where your budget takes you. There was a Martini Bar where the drink was served, shaken...not stirred! Just the way Bond likes it!

From the red-carpet entrance to the giant sized dice and the secret case with a martini glass on top surrounded by palm trees, all played into the small touches that makes a themed event that more special. Why? because your guests, gets it. They see, feel, taste and experience what you are trying to tell them. Rick Fenstemaker, Sr. VP of Baywood Hotels left is seen hanging out by the Martini bar.
Well you can't have a James Bond themed event without a casino. Guests were able to play at three table in-order to win extra tickets for more chances to win door prizes.
There were lots and lots of door prizes given away at the end of the evening, including an IPAD2 and a XBOX 360. I was hoping to win the IPAD2 but it just wasn't my night to win.
All photos by Wiliam H Joseph of joe-co
"Unto whom much is given, much is expected". I believe that as business' we should always give back to the community that we live in. The Blue Bear was on-hand to give out free hugs and a $1,000 check to Patapco Elementary Middle School. School principal, Rita Mullally pictured third from right, is happy to accept the check, on behalf of her staff and students.
What an awesome finish to an auspicious occasion. Kudos to Fairfield Inn & Suites BWI.
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